My work is based on the universal principles of natural justice, prevention and a clear aim to add to world best outcomes.  Working together with the utmost respect for difference, all forms of diversity, the organisation and its peoples, work negotiated and pursued is done ethically, with value and respect for all those involved.  

Working to promote all strands of equality and preventing systemic discrimination at every level my work currently focuses on systemic responses, the role of Government and the third sector known as substantive equality. The first of its kind in Australia, substantive equality promotes differentiated services in order to achieve equal outcomes. Taking this work to the private sector provides a broader model for achieving real outcomes. The aim of substantive equality can be found in the statement,

“If you want to treat me equally, be prepared to treat me differently”.

With over 20 years experience, I was the Manager and lead trainer of Training and Community Education at the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) and established its inaugural fee for service arm.  Later I headed up the newly created Systemic Unit within the EOC.  Although sector specific, acclaim for its audits on prevention and intervention strategies continues.  

I have undertaken impact assessments, prepared policy and frameworks, and associated responses as well as written and delivered presentations, training and workshops to a range of organisations internationally in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka on equal opportunity law and practice and presented papers relevant to the role of equal opportunity in workplaces both in Australia and overseas. As well as specialist training to Supreme Court Judges of WA in the context of judicial processes and the conduct of courts; conscious awareness; equal opportunity law; 'race' relations and associated systemic training to both public and community organisations, I remain interested in approaches to influence policy and on the ground practice.